PIXAR Animation Studios

Moja izkušnja s PCM je bila zelo koristna, saj mi je pomagala obvladati filmsko pot.

Moja izkušnja s PCM je bila zelo koristna, ker mi je pomagala obvladati šestletno pot ustvarjanja filma. To je bilo tako dragoceno orodje!

Katherine Sarafian

Producent in certificirani trener PCM

Dr. Eris Huemer

Terapevtka, avtorica, podjetnica, aktivistka, žena in mama

Ljudem dobesedno daje vpogled vase kot nobeno drugo orodje

Ne samo, da mi je PCM pomagal globlje spoznati sebe in spremeniti način komunikacije z možem, ampak sem PCM pripeljala tudi v svoje svetovalno podjetje. PCM daje našim strankam informacije za razumevanje njihovega zaporedja stiske in kako je to lahko povezano z vidiki duševnih težav, ki jih doživljajo. Prav tako jim daje orodja, ki jih potrebujejo za izpolnitev svojih psiholoških potreb, da se lahko rešijo iz stiske. Ljudem dobesedno daje vpogled vase kot nobeno drugo orodje.

Zgodbe o junakih

Preverite kako je PCM postal “game changer”:

PCM is the best model I know to help people have conversations where the parties feel seen, heard, and valued.

As an Executive Coach, mom, daughter, friend, and Business Consultant I have used PCM every day since I have learned the model. It has changed my life.

Stephanie AU , Partner


With PCM I improved my sales and leadership skills

When I started my PCM journey in 2012, I thought it was just a simple communication course. PCM showed me how my business meets my psychological Persister needs. With PCM I improved my sales and leadership skills.

Rudy Lasry, Branch Office Supervisor

Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc.

With PCM I improved my sales and leadership skills

Communicating more effectively and respectfully and ultimately living a better life all together.

Cécile Vangrunderbeek, Human Resources Director

Pharmaceutical Company

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